Ever had one of those times? You feel like, in that moment, nothing could be better, and if you died right then, you would die happy.
I am fortunate and extremely blessed to have had many of these moments and they all pass far too quickly. and lately I've wondered and often stand amazed at how things change in life, so much, so fast.

But now, 2 years later I am sitting in the very same situation but every time I have one of 'those' moments. It's even sweeter. I sit here at a kitchen table baking Christmas goodies, surrounded by people that are beautiful inside and out and watching my 'mom' decorate her Christmas tree...
I am so happy and I'm just completely at a loss for words with how blessed I am, and I thought I'd share to add to everyone else's Christmas spirit.
My mom passed four years ago and she has... not been replaced, but substituted for the most amazing second mother anyone could ask for. She checks up on me and hugs me and loves on me
like my own mother would and I can't help but to believe that my mom would happy with the substitution that has taken place in her absence. Miss Kimberly is one of the most amazing people I've ever met and an even better 'mom'. :)

And Carey and Whitney and Kelsey, I love you all also and I'm super grateful to you for everything as well but I'm getting the stink-eye from Nanny B because she want's me to bake. So that's all.
Merry Christmas folks! Be Happy!
Oh and hey! I probably love you too :)
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