And so it is, again, that we start another year. But wait... what did we even learn in 2013? Were were successful? Were we happy? How do you gauge success and happiness and growth? Keep reading for my opinion... and if you don't want it, then leave my blog because THIS SHOW IS ALL ABOUT ME AND MY OPINIONATIONS.
haha. Totally kidding.... maybe. Looks like you'll never know.
Alright! Moving on...
Success; The achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted.
Success in my own words...? Success is a lot of things combined and ultimately, in the end, happiness. The first thing you have to understand about happiness, is that it is a choice. No one can give it to you and no one can take it away. It's a decision you make everyday when you wake up and sometimes have to remind yourself of when you spend a few moments unhappy. Back to success. Success is... making the small goals in life. Honestly. We're not promised tomorrow and It's cool to plan for years and years down the road... but I don't know where I'm going to be five years from now, should the Lord terry and I plan to take life as it comes. Success for me right now in life, is to have a stable prayer life, relationship with God and an active ministry (and to graduate High School). Later in life, success for me will be all three of those first things, but with a degree/career of some sort being used to serve, a beautiful home (this is on my materialistic list... I just want a beautiful home...:) and a family. Since I'm good at that whole motherly thing, I might as well give it a try. :)
"In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure." - Bill Cosby
"A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him." - David Brinkley
Growth! How does one measure the depths in which they've changed? Here's my truth about growth. You can look at growth as how far you've come, what you've done and all that you've accomplished from one point to another... but if you faith has been tested, if your boundaries have been pushed, and if you've been through the valley and seen the mountain top, you've grown! Surprise! Congratulations! To me, growth is measured by how you played the hand you were dealt.
"Learn from your past, set vivid, detailed goals for the near future, and live in the only moment of time in which you have any control; now." Denis Waitley
I've learned a lot of things in twenty thirteen but the greatest of these are the following.
3) It's okay to say no. What?! No it's not! Someone is depending on me and... yeah. I've heard it all and I've said it all. This may be something I learned this year but learning is continual so that means twenty fourteen is the year to put it to use. Say yes and say no. Know your limits and understand the sky doesn't fall when you finally whisper the one-syllable word that your heart has been longing to speak. Say no enough to stay grounded and say yes enough to grow!
2) You can't do it all. Wow. These are sounding really depressing. No, they're not. They're long-time coming realizations. Some people have talents and abilities that you don't and some people can do more than others, better than others. It's okay to ask for help, and cheer people on when they do something that they're good at. A little support and encouragement goes a long way, especially, when someone is doing you a favor!
1) Something I re-realize every year and always know but it's always worth the mention. I am blessed. When I go outside, I have a coat. When I'm hungry, I have access to food. When I'm tired, I have a bed. When I'm weary, I have the Lord. I am blessed. Forever and always blessed.
Top Ten Things I Recommend for the New Year! (In no particular order)
1) Don't make resolutions. Make goals. Short-term, long-term, however you want to do it. Make lots attainable goals and a few far-fetched goals. Resolutions have a bad rap. It's like saying "I'll try". The word 'try' is a set up for failure. Just do.
2) Do/wear/say something that it's isn't really your style! Go outside your comfort zone, stick around there for awhile and do so with confidence. Usually, when you do something with confidence people see it as a part of you/your personality and they don't even know that you feel uncomfortable. Just another way to grow.
3) Do things that scare you! Can't stress this one enough. I've done quite a few things this year that scared me to death (public speaking to name one) and they turned out just fine and guess what! I grew. What?! Yeah, I know. Shocking.
4) Speak Life. "It costs me nothing to be an encouragement to someone else." - Keith Leaman. Wise words from a wise man, it costs you nothing but a smile or a breath to tell someone that they look nice, or that they have a nice smile, or that Jesus loves them. Guess what. If someone is a stranger, you'll either make their day and a connection, or you'll weird them out and you'll never see them again! Win, win! Right? Be daring.
5) Put on the whole armor of God. This sounds ridiculous, however. Make it your short-term goal to read Ephesians 6 with the rest of your Bible reading every morning to prepare for the day. They say it takes 28 days to make or break a habit, it will shield you from attacks of the enemy, give you strength to speak life and have enough to survive yourself, and it will prepare you to have the boldness to witness knowing that you're 'marching in the Lord's army'.
6) Laugh. A lot and loudly and proudly. And don't you dare ever stop someone from laughing or making others laugh (unless they're saying bad things about someone or telling a bad joke. Then please, stop them. ;) If you're with a significant other and they enjoy making people laugh and smile, please don't stop them. Making people feel good is a gift that a rare few people have. Let them shine. As for you, laugh as much as possible. If you're the only one that finds it funny, laugh anyways. Who cares. Be crazy and stop caring what other people think of you. Laughing is contagious and it's the best medicine.
7) Remember: Grace then Truth. Make sure people know that you love them and God loves them before you tell them the truth of the Gospel. Some people aren't ready for the truth and it hurts. But when truth is said in love and the message of grace is sufficiently communicated, the truth is easier to hear/understand. The other reason for this, is to build relationships. Whether or not you meet someone and they come to your church right away or not, when people are around you (given that you're living the right way) they will be hungry for the truth and the peace that you have in your own life.
8) Praise. In all things, God is worthy, be faithful to Him. "When the sun says "I won't rise", When dark clouds fill my skies, still just know that I, will always give you praise... and when troubles on the way, I will always say, no matter come what may, I'll always give you praise." It in the hard days and the dark days and days when it seems like there's no way out, Praise. There are many examples of Praise bringing freedom in the Bible, so remember that when you're in a pickle and don't know what else to do. Praise.
9) Read, read, read! I can't stress this enough. I hear that some people 'aren't readers', which I don't understand. I'm seventeen and I have over 100+ of my own books, anyways. Reading is such a stress-relieving, relaxing way to take a break from your own world, and jump into someone else's! Christian (and some non-Christian) fiction is a good choice, along with some other Christian Living books. Come to me for recommendations if you're wanting to start a reading career of your own, I will gladly give them. I like to believe that reading makes you smarter and helps you to understand how to put yourself in the shoes of someone else and understand their situation.
10) Throw away 5 things a day for the 2 few months of the year. Just find 5 things. Around your house, in the car, in your purse/wallet. Anywhere really. De-cluttering makes cleaning easier and it makes life less stressful!
Wow. That last one really wasn't inspirational or even helpful really. hahaha. I thought it was a good idea.
As my last blog post of the year, I just wanted to stay thank you to the few that read and thank you for taking the time to read this REALLY long post. I really hope you enjoyed it. Stay tuned for next year. I may have some more interesting/thought-provoking things to say. Twenty-thirteen has been good to me, God has been good to me. I am greatly blessed and forever thankful.
Be kind. Speak Life. Serve. Laugh. Choose Happiness.
Happy New Year to all! :)
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