So, this past week (20th-26th) was Family Camp out at Camp Galilee. It was amazing, I got to spend all week with my friends, but most of all, the presence of God was so immensely strong every night at the services, Brother Greg Godwin and Brother Tom Foster from Dallas First Church in Texas split the nights up and spoke, and it was just, powerful. Amazing really.
So we had a little revival at camp and then we didn't really know what to expect with our own church's come that Sunday morning, "Will it be as amazing as family camp?" "Will it be as powerful?". Well I guess God doesn't these questions, because whenever I ask them, I'm constantly amazed with the results like God's saying "Do you not know what I can do? Do you underestimate me?" And so the service that morning was amazing, and then the night service came, and I will be honest. I wanted to go home and sleep, I wanted to be anywhere BUT church, but then again God said "You must seriously underestimate me." Prayer started, and I was throwing a little pity party for myself, and so I was late for prayer, and I saw my best friend sitting in the back, now sometime in January of this year she gave up on God, she said it wasn't her religion to believe, so I saw her head bowed and she was whispering quietly, and so I was like "Wanna come sit with me?!" and she was like "Yeah!!" and it shocked me because she hadn't been THAT excited to sit with me in the second pew for a long time, so we were up there and it's still prayer and she started praying with an arm raised, she hadn't raised an arm in church for months, and she was crying and I was like bawling at this point, and she prayed through, and you could tell she was changing a lot of things in her heart, and I was just imensely amazed yet again, and I was like crying off and on the whole time during that service, and someone was like, "You shouldn't be crying for her, you should be rejoicing" Which IS true. But worship and rejoicing is not defined by dancing, leaping and shouting. Everyone's worship is different, never tell someone to worship in a different way that they do. Just throwing that out there.
But it was just an amazing week and weekend, and I am continually amazed with God. And I know that it's all jumbled into a rambling mess but I wanted to share this girls testimony about Sunday!!
Just another thought to think; Until next time that is;
Comments Welcome! ---> God Bless :)
M. :)
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