Often in life stuff happens. Situations that you can't control, situations that you really don't deserve. But It's gonna happen and it's not how it happens, when it happens or why it happens. It's how you handle it when it happens.
I guess you could say I've been through quite a bit in my life, It's been almost 2 years since by mom passed, and sure. I could look back on it and say "If God loved me this wouldn't have happened." or "I can't trust God" and I could be in pretty bad shape and blame it on the things that have happened to me.
God has carefully orchestrated every single thing that's happened in your life. He doesn't want you to go through enormous amounts of pain or a million difficult situations that you can't handle, but if he has to, he will. Often times we get caught up in this world and he has to shake us awake. He has to do something to get our attention. It's called tough love. Something you probably experience when you walk away from a good friend who got into some pretty bad things, something your baby experiences when you have to let them cry themselves to sleep. Something that God has to let you go through. But in the midst of everything he has NOT forgotten you. He loves you! Never forget that. Because when you forget that, bitterness makes it way into your life, and that can't happen. I believe at one point in my life I was bitter, I was mad and angry. But once you get past that hurt and pain and bitterness, you're gonna see the sun rise out of the storm. If our lives were all sunshine, and happiness, we would take it for granted, but when a storm comes, and shakes you. Then it passes, and the sun comes over the horizon, you can easily remember the blessing's God has given you, and even through the trials and tribulations. He still has you in the palm of his hand and He will always be there to catch your fall.
Isaiah 49:16 -" For I have written your name in the palm of my hands."
and also, remember this. It's not how great the fall, or mistake, it's how many times you get back up and move forward.
Another thought to think, Until next time;
Comments Welcome. :)
M. :)
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