So, this past week (20th-26th) was Family Camp out at Camp Galilee. It was amazing, I got to spend all week with my friends, but most of all, the presence of God was so immensely strong every night at the services, Brother Greg Godwin and Brother Tom Foster from Dallas First Church in Texas split the nights up and spoke, and it was just, powerful. Amazing really.
So we had a little revival at camp and then we didn't really know what to expect with our own church's come that Sunday morning, "Will it be as amazing as family camp?" "Will it be as powerful?". Well I guess God doesn't these questions, because whenever I ask them, I'm constantly amazed with the results like God's saying "Do you not know what I can do? Do you underestimate me?" And so the service that morning was amazing, and then the night service came, and I will be honest. I wanted to go home and sleep, I wanted to be anywhere BUT church, but then again God said "You must seriously underestimate me." Prayer started, and I was throwing a little pity party for myself, and so I was late for prayer, and I saw my best friend sitting in the back, now sometime in January of this year she gave up on God, she said it wasn't her religion to believe, so I saw her head bowed and she was whispering quietly, and so I was like "Wanna come sit with me?!" and she was like "Yeah!!" and it shocked me because she hadn't been THAT excited to sit with me in the second pew for a long time, so we were up there and it's still prayer and she started praying with an arm raised, she hadn't raised an arm in church for months, and she was crying and I was like bawling at this point, and she prayed through, and you could tell she was changing a lot of things in her heart, and I was just imensely amazed yet again, and I was like crying off and on the whole time during that service, and someone was like, "You shouldn't be crying for her, you should be rejoicing" Which IS true. But worship and rejoicing is not defined by dancing, leaping and shouting. Everyone's worship is different, never tell someone to worship in a different way that they do. Just throwing that out there.
But it was just an amazing week and weekend, and I am continually amazed with God. And I know that it's all jumbled into a rambling mess but I wanted to share this girls testimony about Sunday!!
Just another thought to think; Until next time that is;
Comments Welcome! ---> God Bless :)
M. :)
Just an opinionated young adult, drenched in the mercies of God, sharing what I think would make us all better people.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Thursday, June 9, 2011
I want to leave a legacy-
Almost a year ago, a young lady, about 17, in Burnsville, MN had a little baby girl. She named her Xenella. This baby girl lived, and thrived, and her mom loved her to pieces. Her family loved her to pieces. God's little Angel, sent to earth to keep her mommy company. When this little girl was 8 months old, she stopped breathing during an afternoon nap, this went undetected for about 30 minutes, which as most people know, there's no turning back. But Xenella was on life support for a week, and at exactly a week at 7am, they pulled the plug on her life support. During those seven days, people prayed, and prayed for this baby and her family. God had different plans, but it showed us just how precious lives are, weather it's a little baby girl or boy. Or whether it's a full grown adult.
2 Weeks ago. A 19 year old girl that went to gateway college of evangelism, in St. Louis, MO, her name was Miranda Donnell, got sick. The doctors had no idea what it was. So they left it undiagnosed. Sunday or Monday night she was brought to the hospital unconscious, (I could be wrong about some little details) . On her facebook wall, friends wrote encouraging messages like "Praying you'll pull through" and "Praying for you!! Love you!!" but when morning came, she passed. If you look at her facebook timeline it all of a sudden had one post that said just this "So sad to hear about the passing of my dear friend Miranda Donnell. But I know God has her in a better place, in better hands." If you look at all the posts on her facebook wall, you see the timeline, you see the love and prayers being sent her way, and then people started posting stories about how much she meant to them, and how much of an impact she had on their life. And about how she truly has been an inspiration, but is it better hands.
So many times we pass life by. Not worrying about how we act, or who we meet, and how we treat people. But in those two completely different stories the end result is the same. Two Angels. Passed on to meet Jesus. and two young people, who left such an imprint on the lives of so many people. Too many to count.
When I leave this life, I want to leave a legacy, like my mom, and my grandma, and like a lot of the people I know will. I admire the strength of these people, the hunger and burning passion they have for God, and for people. The love they show daily and the way they impact lives. I'm so blessed to have all of these people in my life, and many more, who have not passed, but have already created a legacy, and sometimes. They need to be told how amazing, and important, and loved they really are. So that life doesn't pass us by so easily.
So in memory of these people. Think about your legacy. Think about your reputation. Just think about your life. Because, when the time comes. Your legacy could be great. Remembered for years and years. Or, life could just pass you by.
2 Weeks ago. A 19 year old girl that went to gateway college of evangelism, in St. Louis, MO, her name was Miranda Donnell, got sick. The doctors had no idea what it was. So they left it undiagnosed. Sunday or Monday night she was brought to the hospital unconscious, (I could be wrong about some little details) . On her facebook wall, friends wrote encouraging messages like "Praying you'll pull through" and "Praying for you!! Love you!!" but when morning came, she passed. If you look at her facebook timeline it all of a sudden had one post that said just this "So sad to hear about the passing of my dear friend Miranda Donnell. But I know God has her in a better place, in better hands." If you look at all the posts on her facebook wall, you see the timeline, you see the love and prayers being sent her way, and then people started posting stories about how much she meant to them, and how much of an impact she had on their life. And about how she truly has been an inspiration, but is it better hands.
So many times we pass life by. Not worrying about how we act, or who we meet, and how we treat people. But in those two completely different stories the end result is the same. Two Angels. Passed on to meet Jesus. and two young people, who left such an imprint on the lives of so many people. Too many to count.
When I leave this life, I want to leave a legacy, like my mom, and my grandma, and like a lot of the people I know will. I admire the strength of these people, the hunger and burning passion they have for God, and for people. The love they show daily and the way they impact lives. I'm so blessed to have all of these people in my life, and many more, who have not passed, but have already created a legacy, and sometimes. They need to be told how amazing, and important, and loved they really are. So that life doesn't pass us by so easily.
So in memory of these people. Think about your legacy. Think about your reputation. Just think about your life. Because, when the time comes. Your legacy could be great. Remembered for years and years. Or, life could just pass you by.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Life WILL go on.
Often in life stuff happens. Situations that you can't control, situations that you really don't deserve. But It's gonna happen and it's not how it happens, when it happens or why it happens. It's how you handle it when it happens.
I guess you could say I've been through quite a bit in my life, It's been almost 2 years since by mom passed, and sure. I could look back on it and say "If God loved me this wouldn't have happened." or "I can't trust God" and I could be in pretty bad shape and blame it on the things that have happened to me.
God has carefully orchestrated every single thing that's happened in your life. He doesn't want you to go through enormous amounts of pain or a million difficult situations that you can't handle, but if he has to, he will. Often times we get caught up in this world and he has to shake us awake. He has to do something to get our attention. It's called tough love. Something you probably experience when you walk away from a good friend who got into some pretty bad things, something your baby experiences when you have to let them cry themselves to sleep. Something that God has to let you go through. But in the midst of everything he has NOT forgotten you. He loves you! Never forget that. Because when you forget that, bitterness makes it way into your life, and that can't happen. I believe at one point in my life I was bitter, I was mad and angry. But once you get past that hurt and pain and bitterness, you're gonna see the sun rise out of the storm. If our lives were all sunshine, and happiness, we would take it for granted, but when a storm comes, and shakes you. Then it passes, and the sun comes over the horizon, you can easily remember the blessing's God has given you, and even through the trials and tribulations. He still has you in the palm of his hand and He will always be there to catch your fall.
Isaiah 49:16 -" For I have written your name in the palm of my hands."
and also, remember this. It's not how great the fall, or mistake, it's how many times you get back up and move forward.
Another thought to think, Until next time;
Comments Welcome. :)
M. :)
I guess you could say I've been through quite a bit in my life, It's been almost 2 years since by mom passed, and sure. I could look back on it and say "If God loved me this wouldn't have happened." or "I can't trust God" and I could be in pretty bad shape and blame it on the things that have happened to me.
God has carefully orchestrated every single thing that's happened in your life. He doesn't want you to go through enormous amounts of pain or a million difficult situations that you can't handle, but if he has to, he will. Often times we get caught up in this world and he has to shake us awake. He has to do something to get our attention. It's called tough love. Something you probably experience when you walk away from a good friend who got into some pretty bad things, something your baby experiences when you have to let them cry themselves to sleep. Something that God has to let you go through. But in the midst of everything he has NOT forgotten you. He loves you! Never forget that. Because when you forget that, bitterness makes it way into your life, and that can't happen. I believe at one point in my life I was bitter, I was mad and angry. But once you get past that hurt and pain and bitterness, you're gonna see the sun rise out of the storm. If our lives were all sunshine, and happiness, we would take it for granted, but when a storm comes, and shakes you. Then it passes, and the sun comes over the horizon, you can easily remember the blessing's God has given you, and even through the trials and tribulations. He still has you in the palm of his hand and He will always be there to catch your fall.
Isaiah 49:16 -" For I have written your name in the palm of my hands."
and also, remember this. It's not how great the fall, or mistake, it's how many times you get back up and move forward.
Another thought to think, Until next time;
Comments Welcome. :)
M. :)
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
If not you. Then who?
My heart is constantly burdened with people. People. No matter who they are. No matter what they look like, or what they do. The people in world are searching for more, ALWAYS searching. Drugs, music, alcohol, ect. But they don't know better, that's what this world has brought them up in.
I'm thankful every day of my life that I know my Savior. That I know the one that DIED on a cross. He was HUNG. for me. The mercy and grace that flows constantly, like a river, that has no end. But where is the world left? There are people, that are so hungry for the message of 'something more'. People that are falling apart and they feel like they can't make it another day. and I'm sitting in Burnsville, Minnesota keeping it to myself. Living my life like I'm the only one that matters. Our generation is very, very selfish. I will always admit the fact that I'm selfish too. The world is HURTING! Where are we in the picture? God SAVED us, to bring light to an oh-so-dark world! I have family, friends and other loved ones that might not make it when the time comes because I didn't make the effort to reach out to them. I couldn't live with myself knowing that there is someone that crossed my path, that didn't hear the message that could save them from their life, or even worse. An eternity in Hell.
There are people around me, daily. Whose lives are falling apart. They're going through stuff that I could never even think of. and I'm living my life, day by day, hour by hour, and people are literally falling apart before my eyes. Because somehow, they lost sight of an eternity with Jesus. In Heaven. They got caught up in the momentary pleasures of this world, the whole, "It's cool to sin. God will forgive you." thing. That's where we need to come in, remind these people, these FRIENDS, and FAMILY MEMBERS that if they can deny the devil and keep on the straight path towards God, they will have the blessings of God, the Joy of Jesus, and a light brighter than the sun that will change someone elses' life. and even better. an eternity with Jesus himself.
But in closing this update I'll say this.- I know sin, I am a sinner. I'm not perfect, I've made so many mistakes I can't keep count. but even when I fail and falter he's there to catch my fall, and pick me back up again. Because It's not about how great the fall, or how many times you fall. but that you get back up and try again.
God's gonna do everything he's promised.
Friday, June 3, 2011
A Sign & A Semi --
Hi, I'm back! It's summer now, so I will hopefully be 'writing' more, no promises, I can only hope (:
So me and my friend Ivy were driving home from church last night, we were on 35w heading towards Burnsville, and while she was talking to me about how some people 'talk the God walk but can't actually walk it' and how people can be so deceiving and such along those lines. I saw this semi in front of us, and on the back in permanent marker was written '2 Timothy 3:1-5'. I really thought nothing of it, just glanced over it without thought, and we were about to exit off toward my house and she said that's that say?' I simply told her '2 Timothy 3:1-5' and so she was like, 'look that up when you get home and let me know what it says'. So, I get home, kinda forgot about it for awhile, and then bam! it pops in my head!! So I look it up and here's what it says.
1-5Don't be naive. There are difficult times ahead. As the end approaches, people are going to be self-absorbed, money-hungry, self-promoting, stuck-up, profane, contemptuous of parents, crude, coarse, dog-eat-dog, unbending, slanderers, impulsively wild, savage, cynical, treacherous, ruthless, bloated windbags, addicted to lust, and allergic to God. They'll make a show of religion, but behind the scenes they're animals. Stay clear of these people.
I asked her, 'is this a sign or like a 'conformation'? and she at first didn't think it was either. Then after reading it a few times she thought it was a confirmation for us.
But I just thought it was neat. (:
Just giving you something else to think about.
Comments Welcome (:
M. :)
So me and my friend Ivy were driving home from church last night, we were on 35w heading towards Burnsville, and while she was talking to me about how some people 'talk the God walk but can't actually walk it' and how people can be so deceiving and such along those lines. I saw this semi in front of us, and on the back in permanent marker was written '2 Timothy 3:1-5'. I really thought nothing of it, just glanced over it without thought, and we were about to exit off toward my house and she said that's that say?' I simply told her '2 Timothy 3:1-5' and so she was like, 'look that up when you get home and let me know what it says'. So, I get home, kinda forgot about it for awhile, and then bam! it pops in my head!! So I look it up and here's what it says.
1-5Don't be naive. There are difficult times ahead. As the end approaches, people are going to be self-absorbed, money-hungry, self-promoting, stuck-up, profane, contemptuous of parents, crude, coarse, dog-eat-dog, unbending, slanderers, impulsively wild, savage, cynical, treacherous, ruthless, bloated windbags, addicted to lust, and allergic to God. They'll make a show of religion, but behind the scenes they're animals. Stay clear of these people.
I asked her, 'is this a sign or like a 'conformation'? and she at first didn't think it was either. Then after reading it a few times she thought it was a confirmation for us.
But I just thought it was neat. (:
Just giving you something else to think about.
Comments Welcome (:
M. :)
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