For me, Music holds great passion and immense emotion..
Just tonight, right now actually, Every song I turn on, I feel my heart literally swell, like it can't take the amount of emotion, and passion and devotion.
Up until about 3 weeks ago, I was on the fence with music, and by on the fence I mean in denial, My excuses would be "Well, I'm pretty strong and it can't effect me THAT much" or "She's from Disney Channel so it's not THAT bad" and After Senior Camp, I decided that I was done with those artists, those songs, and the people and situations that they uplifted into idols.
Tonight, I turned on a song from a Disney Channel star, and my heart just didn't feel right, and I realized that that kind of music (unChristian) , because of my passion for music, brought every possible emotion that could get in the way of me and God, out. And into my heart once again. I don't think people realize how heavy musical emotions weigh on our hearts, bringing the emotions of Hurt, Pain, Loss, Longing, Neediness, Lust, and everything else, just sits there, acting like a tons of bricks to the heart, and unless you realize that, you can and will be trapped under the emotions of music.
I'm not saying this to convict anyone, or to condemn, but for someone to realize that those are not the emotions God intends to place in your heart, he wants Love, Peace, Joy, Gentleness and the other three fruits of the spirit to be what feeds your soul, not the above mentioned.
So next time that unchristian song comes on, think of the emotion behind it, what does it really mean, what is it bringing into your life, and ask your self, is it worth my relationship with God?
Just another thought to think; Until next time of course :)
Comments Welcome!
M. :)